The Paldar Bladesoul encounter requires alot of AOE dps and decent single target dps. You need decent AOE dps to handle the 5 total kinds of adds you will get throughout the fight and you will need good single target dps to make sure you are getting one specific add down in time. There are two k...
09-19-2012, 06:02 AM by EQ-Raiders
Ingolf Arnar is a pretty straight forward encounter. The first thing to know about this mob is that you will need an even balance of mage/healer dps and scout/fighter dps. During the fight adds will spawn named either 'a physical phantasm' or 'an arcane phantasm'. You would be right to guess that...
09-19-2012, 05:24 AM by EQ-Raiders
There are heroic adds that spawn during the fight named 'a guardian sentinel' & 'a keening banshee'. More adds spawn as the fight goes on longer. There is a curse during this encounter called Stoney Rebuke. This curse is a 'reverse vc' so to speak. When you have this curse on you all of the dp...
09-19-2012, 05:07 AM by Sanction
----------------- Normal Mode ----------------- Klaaktuus on Normal Mode is a rather simple fight. Survive the successive AOE's just like on the normal mode encounter of Oxydaxius. Klaaktuus does have some similarities to Oxydaxius in that there are three adds that will spawn every 30-45 seconds o...
06-29-2010, 04:25 AM by EQ-Raiders