Much like other mobs in this expansion this guy does a ritual that people need to joust out for. The range is about 20 meters for this mob to joust out. If you are too close you will be nuked and cursed. Everyone including healers needs to joust out for this guy as his curse does cover minimum he...
02-14-2010, 08:18 AM by EQ-Raiders
This mob can be tricky depending on the raid setup you bring into the zone. Master P'tasa requires to have fighters in the raid, otherwise he will curse you and you will wipe. He will not accept Scouts as a tank as he deaggro's them and blurs off them faster. If anyone deaggro's while being tar...
05-27-2008, 04:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
Two wanderers to either side of wall to 2nd floor. As with first floor, once dragon is dead, spawns stop. If you are careful, you can go up one side of wall (all bunch together) and get only one of the two wanderers. Once they cleared, go to nearest alcove and clear it. If you have the eye for t...
01-01-2008, 07:16 AM by EQ-Raiders