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Raid must stack up, will spawn a Whirlwind on pull. Raid must move from whirlwind. Otherwise you lose mass power. Raid + Tank moves sideways across the room in small stages (about 10-15m). 3 of the Squares on the floor is a safe distance. After about the 4th Whirlwind, mob will start creating Yel...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
Comes with 4 Adds at start. They don't seem to follow conventional aggro patterns, be careful on pull with aggro. Adds can be killed via AE damage. Stacked on tank. Red text joust, EVERYONE must joust, otherwise 30s of No Hostiles + No Beneficials. Adds will memwipe shortly after first red text (If...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
This is a fairly strait forward fight not requiring any special ACT, GC, or RH calls outs. Try and pull the roamer from behind him so that it does not add on someone during the encounter. Fight him pretty much where he is so that you are equal distance from either side of the room. The named ha...
12-07-2012, 04:57 PM by Demilitch
Balor is the first mob in this zone that can be considered a DPS check. You will find Balor standing on the middle of the bridge after teleporting to Wing 2 in Underdepths. You do not have to fight him on the bridge as he can be pull to either side without the encounter breaking. The first part o...
04-26-2012, 06:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
You don't actaully fight Tallon directly but he will port around the room shooting arrows at you. Make sure your raid never turns their back to Tallon as Tallon will only attack those who do not face him. Tallon's attacks are very potent if this happens. Three different adds will spawn on incomi...
08-10-2011, 05:25 PM by Sanction
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