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Normal Zarrakon 2.0. 3 Pools, blue, yellow, red. 3 Visions, blue, yellow and blurry. Blue = Blue Pool Yellow = Yellow Pool Blurry = Red Person with vision is given an incurable trauma so you can remind them to do it... If they do not make it to the pool, an add is spawned. If they run to t...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by Ebofu
There are heroic adds that spawn during the fight named 'a guardian sentinel' & 'a keening banshee'. More adds spawn as the fight goes on longer. There is a curse during this encounter called Stoney Rebuke. This curse is a 'reverse vc' so to speak. When you have this curse on you all of the dp...
09-19-2012, 05:07 AM by Sanction
Ancient Dragon that comes with two adds and spawns additional adds if damaged at the wrong time. -------------- Merged Post -------------- Will post more information as I have it.
11-02-2012, 03:32 AM by Demilitch
So, on pull, six people get a red message on their screen, three for each of the two mobs that spawn. If you get a red message on pull, you WILL be able to hit one of the two mobs that spawns, but not both. Make sure you find your mob. These mobs have a set time limit to die. If they do not ...
09-04-2011, 04:44 AM by Sude
This mob is very simple. When you first enter you will more than likely run down the ramp and agro the whole room and go wtf. Then you will most likely try to range pull and and once again agro the whole room, and again say wtf. the trick to this mob is simple if you tab target up you will s...
02-14-2010, 08:07 AM by Galvin
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