This named does not hit very hard. He has as 1 elemental ae that is 180 Front/rear, 9 - 15 - 200 meter range. Two adds are attached to the named on pull. Adds will spawn at 75% - 50% - 35%. First add is a Coldain no dmg aoe, but a small frontal knockback. Second add is a Wurm, that has incur...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
The deal with this mob is that you can choose to fight only one of these mobs. You will notice when inspecting the mobs they have a buff on them that enhances there damage. What you want to do is remove one of the mobs from the picture. The encounter has 4 total mobs as a part of it and if you n...
02-22-2011, 08:43 AM by EQ-Raiders