This encounter is Zaos 2.0 (from Toxxulia's Lair) We fought named right where it stands, just spin it. All tanks in front, rest of raid on mobs butt. 3 things happen during fight... 1. Named will curse the tank (whichever one has agro), you will see the big red text. 2. Cure tank of the cur...
11-20-2012, 01:08 AM by Eats
--- Normal Mode --- The Three Sages need to be tanked by three different classes of tanks. Medorius must be tanked by a brawler class. Mikla must be tanked by a Crusader class. Mandoril must be tanked by a Warrior Class. There is really no AOE to watch out for except an arcane that clears your ...
02-05-2010, 12:09 PM by EQ-Raiders
Much like other mobs in this expansion this guy does a ritual that people need to joust out for. The range is about 20 meters for this mob to joust out. If you are too close you will be nuked and cursed. Everyone including healers needs to joust out for this guy as his curse does cover minimum he...
02-14-2010, 08:18 AM by EQ-Raiders
Haladan Moonrunner is a very simple fight to work with. First someone in your raid will want to bring a "Tinkered Beast Zapper" with you and activate this item in Haladan's room. This will completely make the encounter add free. When you pull the groups of wolves in his room, pull them out into t...
02-01-2010, 06:33 AM by EQ-Raiders
Notes: Heals for ~140k HP every time a player dies. He does not heal when he kills pets or dumbfire pets. To start this fight have the entire raid enter the room. Whoever received the 4 skulls from killing the skeletons needs to right-click Meldrath and hand them over. This is often the first per...
01-24-2009, 03:51 PM by