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Timed fight until you kill the first named. A few rules for this fight. Every 10%, the nameds emote and will target lock you to the named with the most HP. Add frequency changes based on your burn and which named has higher HP. If Morin is highest, Swashbuckler adds spawn. If Barin is the highest, ...
01-16-2015, 05:28 PM by aquareflections
1 tank on ice dragon with his group. AOE prevent the flame dance aoe from the fire dragon (should only need to aoe block twice) 1 tank on fire mob. Get ice adds (which spawn on flame dragon) Burn down the 2 stalkers, then burn the behemoth. Click the pillar thing that spawns when the behemoth dies...
07-02-2014, 05:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
The Grendish fight takes place on four platforms, as Grendish will teleport to a new platform every 10% of his health. Grendish will not move and he will remain in one static spot on each of the four platforms. The platforms are as follows: The platform he is sitting on at Spawn, the two platform...
07-02-2014, 05:38 AM by EQ-Raiders
Easy Mode: Casts an uncurable Elemental on a member of the raid, they need to move away from everyone else until gone. If they don't move, it spreads, if it spreads 4x, its a wipe. Name - Arc Lightning Regex for GC/RH etc. - Overlord Talan's Arc Lightning (critically )?hits (?!YOU)(?[A-Za-z...
05-06-2013, 08:00 AM by Cheesy
Your raid will want to set up three points of attack for this encounter; one for Sevalak, one for Tempestor and one for the adds. If Sevalak and Tempestor get too close they become empowered. Sevalak also has a knockback component so tanks pulling the names will want their back to a wall. About...
09-09-2012, 06:11 AM by Sanction
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