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Tied to Doom Ravager Ru'ystad and Doom Prophet Kin'vah - Calls out for heals from the Prophet.
01-04-2008, 10:45 AM by EQ-Raiders
Tied to Doom Prophet and Doom Ravager Ru'ystad. When the Ravager calls out for heals at low health, the prophet will attempt to heal him.
01-04-2008, 10:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
Tied to Doom Reaver Cheyak and Doom Prophet Kin'vah - Casts debilitate (mitigation debuff) - Has a mem-wipe He calls out asking for heals from the Prophet.
01-04-2008, 10:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Once you get Dythra down below half health (Need to confirm exactly) s/he calls in ALL the mobs in the zone, range is not an issue, so you need to clear the zone before taking Dythra. If the raid wipes in the instance you will be forced to revive outside the zone and be locked out. Prevent this by...
01-03-2008, 10:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
This encounter can spawn Brixx, Borxx, Braxx if done wrong. It is best to split tank this encounter. On the pull, the MT should agro the guardians, and then single taunt Pkzwk when he's in range. At the same time, the secondary tank should Rescue pull Overlord Oxulius and drag him away from the ...
01-04-2008, 09:12 PM by EQ-Raiders
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