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Common Strategy: Pull Achiole outside of the room to the corridor corner, have casters stay past the first hole and fight from there, melee dps to run in/out to avoid the AOE behind the corner on side of the hole, yes jump once. More information is needed.
03-15-2008, 03:54 PM by EQ-Raiders
The Guardian of Leadership has a very serious arcane d.o.t. that will kill the group very fast if the d.o.t. is not removed. Make sure you have a person in each group that can remove from group with one shot, or enough mages to cover the dot duty removal. Keep healers alive through this fight. Pul...
03-21-2008, 04:55 AM by EQ-Raiders
Common Strategy: Pull him downstairs to one side of corridor corner by the stairs. (safe spot) The dead-end of the hallway is a great measure to avoid the AOE by jousting. More information is needed.
03-15-2008, 03:50 PM by EQ-Raiders
This mob is a tank and spank for lack of a better phrase. His only ability of note is that he will constantly curse your raid. This curse will buff him over time. With enough DPS this fight will not last longer than one minute. The longer the fight goes the harder it will be hit him. Pull him ...
03-17-2011, 06:12 AM by EQ-Raiders
2 Blood Wolf adds. Position tank in the corner, right above Magrick. Range kill the adds, then joust in with melee dps - avoiding the WoF and BB as much as possible. The Aura of Silence doesn't do that much damage, but its range is much greater than the others, so watch healer and range hp. More...
03-21-2008, 04:20 AM by EQ-Raiders
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