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Theldek is a simple tank and spank with a few adds thrown in. Theldek will aggro the second anyone touches the bar on the floor entering his room. The aoe's from Theldek are not too powerful at all so you could have everyone in your raid just pile right on top of him. Every 30-45 seconds scorpion...
04-26-2012, 05:59 AM by EQ-Raiders
Common Strategy: Has a disease based damage shield called Caress Feedback . In front of Venekor there is a totem that will require one player of each class to stay next to at all times. The totem will flash and by right clicking it a color will show. Colors are coordinated by class. Red = Fight...
03-15-2008, 04:02 PM by EQ-Raiders
Yitzik the Hurler still has the same knockback that made the encounter a joy for tanks during Kingdom of sky. So plan your strategies accordingly. One thing of note for placing him is that he must be fought above ground. If you pull Yitzik to the ground to avoid the knockback he will summon a m...
06-26-2014, 04:05 AM by EQ-Raiders
Everyone piles up under her rear end. Engage and Burn. AE tanks grab any adds that swarm in. Ignore them and burn the named. The named burrows into the ground. Have OT's or scouts pull in all the groups of centipedes that spawn. Burn them all and once they are all dead she will unburrow. (Whi...
07-16-2012, 01:34 PM by Sanction
1 tank on ice dragon with his group. AOE prevent the flame dance aoe from the fire dragon (should only need to aoe block twice) 1 tank on fire mob. Get ice adds (which spawn on flame dragon) Burn down the 2 stalkers, then burn the behemoth. Click the pillar thing that spawns when the behemoth dies...
07-02-2014, 05:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
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