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You need to split your raid into two groups. Two on Barakah and two on Siyamak. Barakah needs to be tanked in the light and Siyamak tanked in the dark. No one can stand in the middle of the room on the sun. If you do you will cause a zone wide AOE fail. You must have two groups in the light sid...
07-26-2013, 10:46 PM by hathahrk
More information is needed. You do not actually fight the Avatar of Health. Infact you help him and he helps you. The Avatar of Disease actually attacks the Avatar of Health and it is your job to defend the Avatar of Health against a minion of the Avatar of Disease. The same adds from the Avatar...
01-01-2010, 02:11 AM by EQ-Raiders
Getting to the Matron involves battling through a ring event. To start the event the non-agro The Overseer of Change must be up. He is located roughly at -40, 10, 365 in Mystic Lake. Round 1: The Overseer of Change (74x4) When you click 'knock on wood' he turns agro and spawns 3 twisted ro...
01-04-2008, 09:17 PM by EQ-Raiders
The Scavanator is very similar to Xilaxis the Explorer...if he had adds and a mem-wipe. With Scavanator it is gonna be tricky to get a full strat down because you only have one attempt to try to kill him. You will need a good spot to pull this guy because he does have a target knockback. One popu...
02-14-2010, 08:12 AM by EQ-Raiders
Glokus himself is rather straight forward with a red message joust that hits every 50 seconds ("Glokus gathers the forces of the wind around him") and an arcane AoE knockback, it has a 30 meter range if you want to avoid it. The first part of this fight is dealing with additional named adds and m...
01-09-2013, 10:26 PM by Sanction
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