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If you insult the dwarves during the conversation to spawn K'Dal, they will agro on you. Has a mem-wipe; Also you can perform only one Heroic Opportunity in the zone, which may stop one of his attacks. Position your tanks up at the front to intercept K'Dal on the pull, and have healers in ma...
03-15-2008, 04:47 PM by EQ-Raiders
Ferti and Clodae are almost the opposite of the first encounter in this zone. You will want to pull both of the mobs together and hold them in the corner. We had two tanks (one on each named). The mobs will swap tanks now and again (think Ire/Mal in SoH). If you seperate the mobs they will gain pote...
06-28-2011, 04:15 AM by Edrickx
This mob is very much tank and spank. Has a moderate damage noxious AE and a mem blur when he does his small knock back. Just keep two tanks fighting for aggro at all times and cure the noxious AE when it hits.
04-25-2010, 07:05 AM by EQ-Raiders
Named will periodically charm the MT. Must have 2 tanks on named ready for this (Neither of them a Paladin, unless you want to have him % base heal the named) Will spawn large groups of snake adds, that are a dps check. If not killed quick enough, cause a large fatal AE that is usually a wipe. Rou...
11-26-2013, 04:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
3 adds that cast Eerie Blast which is a crushing dd throw Keys to the fight: 1) This is a multi-tank fight due to his mem-wipe. 2) Position tanks somewhere so they won't get thrown far (under a ceiling, in a nook, etc) 3) Position healers on a different vertical axis level to avoid his AE. 4) ...
03-21-2008, 04:09 AM by EQ-Raiders
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