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This mob is very simple but can be tricky with the detrimental effect. This is the first mob to aggro your party when you get too close to Toxxulia. The trick with this fight is that you will get one person in your raid party with a completely black screen every 30 seconds or so. It says you need...
02-05-2010, 08:57 AM by freddo1083
Haggle Baron Klok - Kurns x2 Setup This is the first named encounter in the zone. Make sure to clear all the trash on the first floor before engaging him. Setup dead center of the room between the two large fire pits, then pet pull him to this spot. Bubbles of Protection While fighting...
05-31-2010, 08:50 PM by Mindeen
SETUP - This is the third encounter in the zone - Clear the other two rooms that the names are not in - Setup inside one of the cleared rooms - Hammer pull one of the names and both will come UNCURABLE DOTS - They will apply an uncurable noxious or elemental to one person at a time - Th...
04-22-2010, 06:39 PM by Mindeen
Arkatanthis The Destroyer is the Hard Mode encounter when you do not prevent Xilaxis from calling for help. The encounter is not as difficult as many make it out to be. Since SOE fixed the curse selections this encounter is much more manageable. You will need to split off your MT group from the r...
09-21-2010, 08:55 PM by EQ-Raiders
1st thing to remember Everyone can enter the room with her since she is non attackable. DO NOT step on any part of the platform she stands on until you are ready to start the fight. Around the outside of the room are 4 altars that are clickable. If you stand behind the altar and look towards th...
11-06-2009, 10:36 PM by
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