Milas is probably the easiest fight in the zone. The three Othmir that arrive with Milas are very weak and look as if they need to be killed in a certain order (Need Confirmation). As of this post we killed one othmir only to have be revived and then proceeded to kill the others in a differed orde...
09-19-2012, 06:29 AM by EQ-Raiders
Umzok is pretty straight forward. Joust his Trauma aoe and get that DPS up. Umzok pretty much needs to die within 5-6 minutes. Upon killing Ozyk you will notice that you will get a Shard of Reversal Energy from that ghost ogre near the entrance to the next room. This shard needs to be used on th...
12-27-2009, 07:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
Absatalious is a named that will aggro your raid party a few seconds after entering the new portal after killing Switchmaster. This mob is a pretty straight forward dps burn but you do you need to pay attention to one key part. The mob has a Poison/Disease based AOE that if not cured will tick for...
04-23-2009, 11:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
Qunard Ashenclaw is activated by clicking the small mound in the middle of the room where he is flying above. When done so you will get a message that "Buzzing Errupts all around you". You will then be swarmed by a few waves of Heroic bees. They dont have much HP so burn them down. After about a...
09-22-2008, 10:59 PM by EQ-Raiders
Pantrilla has a Caress Feedback damage shield that does disease damage. Adds will arrive around 10-15% health. Just burn/mez until dead. More information is needed.
03-15-2008, 04:12 PM by EQ-Raiders