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So, on pull, six people get a red message on their screen, three for each of the two mobs that spawn. If you get a red message on pull, you WILL be able to hit one of the two mobs that spawns, but not both. Make sure you find your mob. These mobs have a set time limit to die. If they do not ...
09-04-2011, 04:44 AM by Sude
You will need the person with Aggro to stay within melee range of Tert at all times. Tert will not move from where he stands from the two places he ports to and from. If he targets someone too far away he will ignite the docks and you will die. If you manage to jump into the water to avoid the fi...
02-22-2011, 08:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Horraastaas is a pretty straight forward mob when you learn its secret. The main thing about Horraastaas is that when he takes damage you will steadily spawn little adds. These adds need to be pulled to the "nests" around the area to get rid of them. You can click each nest three times to get ri...
09-16-2010, 07:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
Frozen Statue of the Snowbeast is a relatively easy mob once you have the strategy down. Everyone enter the room, tank him wherever you choose, although an open area is usually best due to his memwipe. Depending on how many tanks you have in your raid, assign 1-2 tanks to the named. The named w...
06-06-2010, 07:36 PM by Darkdragonx
Tythus Tinzok is found in the upper tower where Absatalious was located. Just keep running up the spiral staircase sections. The Tythus encounter can get a little annoying. First you must fight your up to him. Cutting through the little heroic mobs he is sending down the stairs. When you get ...
04-23-2009, 11:52 PM by EQ-Raiders
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