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First thing to know about this encounter is that this encounter is easily beaten by killing the Princes in a certain order. The order typically is Urbaniok, Kulkak and then Strixus. Small adds will spawn during the encounter that do randomly taunt players. Make sure to have target macro's set up ...
03-15-2008, 04:37 PM by EQ-Raiders
It's not often your tanks go into a fight with the purpose of not getting hit at all. There are sceptres you get off earlier names in the zone that you use specifically for this fight. Position yourself in the water to the right of his area with your DPS in the middle and a tank at either end ...
11-20-2012, 01:13 AM by EQ-Raiders
Drels Ma'gor uses the following abilities as recorded by act during our encounter: Abyssal Bolt: a 1-2 hit poison damage (20K -76K) each hit. Abyssal Claw: a 1-2 hit poison damage (9K - 72K) each hit. Arcane Dissipation: this is classified as 'relieves" under damage and dispels all bu...
11-20-2012, 01:08 AM by Andros
Malteor is an interesting fight with a detriment effect that is handled in a similar way to how the noxious detriment is done on Lichlord Skulldugger in Vallon's Tower. First, it should be known that there is a Red Text Warning on this encounter that must be jousted and either moved or Stoneskinned...
04-26-2012, 08:36 AM by EQ-Raiders
For this fight you will want to figure two spots, about 25 meters apart for your tank and raid to be. Tormax or the adds don't have any major knockback so this can be tanked in the middle of the room. It will probably easiest to have a pet class pull Tormax from his throne rather than have the tan...
02-22-2011, 08:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
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