- Use the items from the previous encounter to dismiss 2 of the 5. - There is more than one way to do this fight. We choose to banish the Templar and Assassin. - The 3 mobs left will need to be tanked away from each other. - Choose your areas and have one group tank the troubadour, another g...
11-26-2013, 04:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
Rathgar is a pure DPS fight plain and simple. 30 seconds into the fight and then one minute or so afterwards he will one shot your tank. Rathgar will gain one adventure level every time he kills someone. If he reaches level 99 he will one shot every single person he targets. This means you need a...
07-17-2010, 05:13 AM by EQ-Raiders
He has a nasty trauma AE that you'll want to have scouts joust most likely. Squishy people should just stay away period. Important! Before you start, set loot to Free For All. Crucial! We position the raid right in the doorway to begin, with the MT taking the mob to the corner to the right. He...
11-27-2009, 10:41 PM by Sude
Ghost Ice Dragon
01-05-2008, 09:57 AM by EQ-Raiders