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Pull Dagarn and 4 adds spawn with the name "Aquatic Legionnaire" from the 4 cornors of the room. These adds will need to be killed at the 4 cornors of the room where you see a ball of fire floating in the air. When an add dies next to a ball of flame it despawns and will in turn decrease the amoun...
04-26-2012, 06:26 AM by EQ-Raiders
This mob is fairly straight forward. You'll want one group on one name and the second group on the other, tanked seperatly where they stand. There is one difference beteen the two mobs: Cerulea will port her current target to one of three locations; where she stands, where her sister stands or ...
06-15-2011, 12:25 AM by Sanction
When you pull Ambassador Grindstone (Elemental Avalanche and Powertap AoEs) he will call a bull to his side by the name of Kanogan (Elemental Stampede AoE). You will want to tank these apart or they will become more powerful. However not too far apart because Kanogan can mem wipe and there are adds...
08-21-2011, 04:59 PM by Sanction
The named for this fight is pretty easy and straight forward, however the add made the encounter pretty stressful for our raid. Pull the named and tank it where you choose. She has the one AoE, Force of Web that your raid will want to joust out for and make sure your tank is protected for it. The...
07-17-2011, 10:02 PM by Sanction
Frozen Statue of the Snowbeast is a relatively easy mob once you have the strategy down. Everyone enter the room, tank him wherever you choose, although an open area is usually best due to his memwipe. Depending on how many tanks you have in your raid, assign 1-2 tanks to the named. The named w...
06-06-2010, 07:36 PM by Darkdragonx
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