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This mob is fairly straight forward. You'll want one group on one name and the second group on the other, tanked seperatly where they stand. There is one difference beteen the two mobs: Cerulea will port her current target to one of three locations; where she stands, where her sister stands or ...
06-15-2011, 12:25 AM by Sanction
This is your basic DPS check fight. 50 seconds into the fight a group of adds will spawn that must be killed. Each one will cast the multi-strike AoE about 10 seconds after spawning so use group death prevents or AoE blocks. Following groups of adds will come a minute and half apart. There a...
08-07-2011, 03:45 PM by Sanction
You will want at least 2 places laid out for your tank and raid to move between. About 30 seconds into the fight two 'totems of silence' will spawn on your raid. This is when you will want to move to your second point. I believe the totems spawns every 45 seconds so just move to your next point...
07-17-2011, 08:54 PM by Sanction
This named does not hit very hard. He has as 1 elemental ae that is 180 Front/rear, 9 - 15 - 200 meter range. Two adds are attached to the named on pull. Adds will spawn at 75% - 50% - 35%. First add is a Coldain no dmg aoe, but a small frontal knockback. Second add is a Wurm, that has incur...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
Killingfrost is a rather easy mob once you understand what is needed to be done to win the fight. If your raid (specifically your fighters in this case) has completed the X2 zone you will be able to counter Kraytoc's buff he has on him. The buff isnt that potent for most guilds so if your guild was ...
02-22-2011, 08:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
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