This encounter can be one of the more difficult encounters in this zone. You will need to make sure that you burn the book and the librarian down evenly. They don't need to be kept the same or anything but one can't die more than 5% of the remaining health of the other. It will just be easier to ...
03-17-2011, 06:12 AM by EQ-Raiders
This mob has a time based component to him. You have roughly 3 minutes to bring the named down to 75% of his health and 3 minutes for each next 25%. If you do not meet this challenge you will summon a X4 mob that will kill your raid. The mob will hit your raid with Noxious and Arcane AE's. Noxio...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
Umzok is pretty straight forward. Joust his Trauma aoe and get that DPS up. Umzok pretty much needs to die within 5-6 minutes. Upon killing Ozyk you will notice that you will get a Shard of Reversal Energy from that ghost ogre near the entrance to the next room. This shard needs to be used on th...
12-27-2009, 07:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
Vyemm and Alzid Prime can still be seperated, but its much more difficult than previous versions. See Alzid Strategy. His frontal cone Energy Vortex is the biggest threat for killing your raid. The Scream of Chaos (SoC) is survivable by everyone if you have enough mit for it to do 3-4k dmg. You ...
01-04-2008, 10:58 AM by EQ-Raiders