Has a knockback aoe, 35s timer. More importantly has a frontal red text - Piercing Wail (only announces it before the first, after that you have to pay attention to cast bar). It has a near unlimited range so you have to move behind her, if it hits anyone they can't cast for 2 minutes and take s...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by Ebofu
Haldane is a pretty straight forward encounter. First you should know that this zone requires hard mode raid spec's in order to perform well in it. Your raid should be at or above 200% Critical Mitigation to even make the AOE's manageable. The encounter does first start with three mobs. Haldan...
06-17-2011, 04:32 AM by EQ-Raiders
Once you get Dythra down below half health (Need to confirm exactly) s/he calls in ALL the mobs in the zone, range is not an issue, so you need to clear the zone before taking Dythra. If the raid wipes in the instance you will be forced to revive outside the zone and be locked out. Prevent this by...
01-03-2008, 10:48 AM by EQ-Raiders