First, once anyone in the raid enters Venekors chamber a timer starts and then the event begins. You have about 15-20 seconds to position to raid before Venekor becomes aggro. After the event officially starts anyone left outside his room will be ported into the room and to the base of one of the st...
01-04-2008, 06:17 AM by EQ-Raiders
Using a pet to pull will hopefully soak up the first Mask of Horror, but eventually your MT will be hit by it. Time any sort of instant mana feeds to occur right after the drain. To unlock both Pain and Suffering, you must find the special clickable weapon rack. This will open the door to the frog...
01-04-2008, 06:12 AM by EQ-Raiders
Using a pet to pull will hopefully soak up the first Mask of Horror, but eventually your MT will be hit by it. Time any sort of instant mana feeds to occur right after the drain. To unlock both Pain and Suffering, you must find the special clickable weapon rack. This will open the door to the frog...
01-04-2008, 06:10 AM by EQ-Raiders