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First thing to know about this fight is that it is a timed encounter. Your raid has 4 minutes and 20 seconds to complete this fight. You will want your raid to stack up right next to Draazak. Drazzak will have a number of little adds that will spawn throughout this encounter. You will want to ta...
11-26-2013, 04:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
Start of encounter: Named, 2 named adds, and some random other mobs. You have to kill all the other stuff before you can damage Master Yael. Note: Yael heals when in Water. The 2 named adds swap a damage immunity so you can only damage one at a time. Every so often one ports to the center of th...
02-03-2011, 11:31 PM by Galvin
Users: There are 6 levers that must be pulled at the sametime using the warm pair of gloves recieved from an earlier quest in zone to open the path way to get to Vrewwx...
06-20-2010, 08:02 PM by Khatiru
Digg – Corrupted Earth Elemental Getting to Digg Have one person raise the south bridge then move out to Digg's island and raise the west bridge. Skirt the edge of the island to move from one brick to the other. Digg has a fairly small agro range. Positioning/Pull To start, everyone sh...
08-31-2012, 04:46 PM by Repel
Hoshkar is a fun fight or could be considered too easy. When you approach his lair you will notice he is surrounded by lava but there is a floating rock platform circling him. If your raid jumps on the rock you will notice a message on the screen saying the you feel an aura of protection around yo...
09-22-2008, 11:07 PM by EQ-Raiders
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