Pretty simple fight. 4 Linked adds which need to be burned at the start. Onced they are down it's simply a matter of burning Kultak. Stratgey Overview: Slashing AE: Debuff strength to minimise the effects - Frenzied Slice 2 Curses - One on MT and a further one which lands on one or two people at ...
08-28-2009, 09:27 AM by Superlative
This encounter requires some coordination but is not difficult to execute. AEs: The first thing to note is the big physical AE lands shortly after pull and needs to be jousted thereafter. Other AEs include an Elemental and an Arcane but aren't particularly damaging, they just need to be cured. C...
10-26-2009, 05:59 PM by Superlative
Anashti Sul is the final mob in Palace of the Ancient One. The encounter is in two stages, the first being a ring event which begins when you cross the threshhold in to her chamber. Ring Event: In order to understand the encounter I'll briefly outline the lay out of the room. It's circular in sha...
10-26-2009, 05:44 PM by Superlative