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1 tank on ice dragon with his group. AOE prevent the flame dance aoe from the fire dragon (should only need to aoe block twice) 1 tank on fire mob. Get ice adds (which spawn on flame dragon) Burn down the 2 stalkers, then burn the behemoth. Click the pillar thing that spawns when the behemoth dies...
07-02-2014, 05:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Torrent can be blocked but is also ranged based. If you are out atleast 25+ meters it hits much less. When he drops the black circle just move your raid and him away from it. Best to keep him tanked in the same vicinity as his spawn. Just move left and right and avoid it like a red text joust....
11-26-2013, 04:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
Arch Confessor is the first scripted mob in the zone, and can be a bit tricky to figure out. He will come with 2 initial adds Sloth and Wrath, and throughout the fight spawn 2 adds at a time every 30-45 seconds. The mob has a curse that needs to be cured, and the adds have a curse that should not be...
07-02-2011, 01:14 PM by Edrickx
Glokus himself is rather straight forward with a red message joust that hits every 50 seconds ("Glokus gathers the forces of the wind around him") and an arcane AoE knockback, it has a 30 meter range if you want to avoid it. The first part of this fight is dealing with additional named adds and m...
01-09-2013, 10:26 PM by Sanction
First thing to note about this name is the NPC at the back left corner of the room when you enter; second thing to note is namer does not have a knock back as this might change positioning of MT and raid. Pull the name and begin to burn to 90% at which point the unattackable NPC will become acti...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
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