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Drels Ma'gor uses the following abilities as recorded by act during our encounter: Abyssal Bolt: a 1-2 hit poison damage (20K -76K) each hit. Abyssal Claw: a 1-2 hit poison damage (9K - 72K) each hit. Arcane Dissipation: this is classified as 'relieves" under damage and dispels all bu...
11-20-2012, 01:08 AM by Andros
The name itself is pretty straight forward with one elemental AoE on a 20 second recast and needs the mage confidence debuff. At certain time intervals the name will port to the center area and pop a bubble the size of the circle in the center and clear all effects, including the confidence debuf...
08-07-2011, 04:46 PM by Sanction
Horraastaas is a pretty straight forward mob when you learn its secret. The main thing about Horraastaas is that when he takes damage you will steadily spawn little adds. These adds need to be pulled to the "nests" around the area to get rid of them. You can click each nest three times to get ri...
09-16-2010, 07:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
Spawns adds at 75%, 50%, 30% and 15%. Named moves further and further towards the zone entrance after 2 waves of adds are killed. (need locs to be 100% accurate for the strategy) Be sure to have ALL trash cleared on this level before attempting this named. The adds that spawn memwipe very often so...
06-06-2010, 06:19 PM by Thagor
Ok this mob is more complicated than the first two, but once you get the hang of it you should enjoy it. First thing, this mob requires two tanks, and you'll need 1-2 ppl to pull adds to the raid. You will notice that Sara is in a little room to the side of a larger circular room. This circular ro...
03-09-2010, 12:58 AM by Galvin
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