Torrent can be blocked but is also ranged based. If you are out atleast 25+ meters it hits much less. When he drops the black circle just move your raid and him away from it. Best to keep him tanked in the same vicinity as his spawn. Just move left and right and avoid it like a red text joust....
11-26-2013, 04:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
This encounter is Zaos 2.0 (from Toxxulia's Lair) We fought named right where it stands, just spin it. All tanks in front, rest of raid on mobs butt. 3 things happen during fight... 1. Named will curse the tank (whichever one has agro), you will see the big red text. 2. Cure tank of the cur...
11-20-2012, 01:08 AM by Eats
There are heroic adds that spawn during the fight named 'a guardian sentinel' & 'a keening banshee'. More adds spawn as the fight goes on longer. There is a curse during this encounter called Stoney Rebuke. This curse is a 'reverse vc' so to speak. When you have this curse on you all of the dp...
09-19-2012, 05:07 AM by Sanction
Five heroic adds spawn when you pull him. They are easy kills. Joust the named when the red message comes up on your screen. He does root himself like many other named with this ability. Addition From: Morphy00 and Twisted_Mentat Adds spawn ONLY if your next ...
05-26-2010, 01:33 AM by Geekyone
This is an hybrid tactic from those found on eq2flames, between burn strategy and fighting adds. Positioning: Right room, MT on one wand. Rest of Raid on other wand at healers max range. Raid is in tight formation. All with backside to the wall. Tairiza Powers: - Area Spell with Stun - every 2...
07-29-2008, 02:25 AM by