There are heroic adds that spawn during the fight named 'a guardian sentinel' & 'a keening banshee'. More adds spawn as the fight goes on longer. There is a curse during this encounter called Stoney Rebuke. This curse is a 'reverse vc' so to speak. When you have this curse on you all of the dp...
09-19-2012, 05:07 AM by Sanction
Rhee'Gor is standing a few feet away from when you zone in, he is a non aggressive mob. When you are ready to fight run up to him but DO NOT touch him. He will go to the fire pot in front of him, do some flips and become hardmode like 5 seconds latter. As soon as Rhee'Gor's ritual is done he wi...
10-15-2010, 02:20 PM by Sanction