Argos is the main named in 'The Menagerie' encounter in MMP. He is a three headed dog and only fought if your raid chooses to not fight Miragul. Once the adds are down Argos is a pushover. He just has alot of HP. The other mobs and abilities are: Eesaad the Fierce Two abilities all of which are...
01-05-2010, 11:11 PM by EQ-Raiders
Vyemm and Alzid Prime can still be seperated, but its much more difficult than previous versions. See Alzid Strategy. His frontal cone Energy Vortex is the biggest threat for killing your raid. The Scream of Chaos (SoC) is survivable by everyone if you have enough mit for it to do 3-4k dmg. You ...
01-04-2008, 10:58 AM by EQ-Raiders