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Torrent can be blocked but is also ranged based. If you are out atleast 25+ meters it hits much less. When he drops the black circle just move your raid and him away from it. Best to keep him tanked in the same vicinity as his spawn. Just move left and right and avoid it like a red text joust....
11-26-2013, 04:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
The basics of the Drinal fights are as follows. You either let Drinal absorb certain soul wells or you destroy them before he absorbs them. This effectively changes the challenge mode of the encounter. Soulwell 1 Red - Temporal Downstairs - Temporal Soulwell frontal cone AE (Red Text Warning...
11-20-2012, 01:16 AM by EQ-Raiders
This encounter is Zaos 2.0 (from Toxxulia's Lair) We fought named right where it stands, just spin it. All tanks in front, rest of raid on mobs butt. 3 things happen during fight... 1. Named will curse the tank (whichever one has agro), you will see the big red text. 2. Cure tank of the cur...
11-20-2012, 01:08 AM by Eats
This is an easy encounter when you know where to stands and what to do. First thing, make sure to never stand behind him unless you wana test out his tail swipe. He do have a Knockback component as well (Wing Buffet) So tank (s) need to plan accordingly. That being said, Honvar will take the ai...
05-26-2012, 10:34 PM by Vanuk
Necretia can be a bit tricky for those who fail to prevent the adds from spawning. The fight is similar start to the heroic version. Only the two adds to the left or right of Necretia will come when first aggro'd. You will want to tank these adds away from the named. You can still dps Necretia ...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
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