Raid must stack up, will spawn a Whirlwind on pull. Raid must move from whirlwind. Otherwise you lose mass power. Raid + Tank moves sideways across the room in small stages (about 10-15m). 3 of the Squares on the floor is a safe distance. After about the 4th Whirlwind, mob will start creating Yel...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
This is a fairly strait forward fight not requiring any special ACT, GC, or RH calls outs. Try and pull the roamer from behind him so that it does not add on someone during the encounter. Fight him pretty much where he is so that you are equal distance from either side of the room. The named ha...
12-07-2012, 04:57 PM by Demilitch
First, once anyone in the raid enters Venekors chamber a timer starts and then the event begins. You have about 15-20 seconds to position to raid before Venekor becomes aggro. After the event officially starts anyone left outside his room will be ported into the room and to the base of one of the st...
01-04-2008, 06:17 AM by EQ-Raiders
Spawns two adds for each person or pet hit by his AoE. Known Drops: Symbol of The Fire Vehement Gem (Adept I) Fists of the Fire Breath
01-01-2008, 07:22 AM by EQ-Raiders