Tank him far enough from the fountains in-zone to keep his stoneskin off him but within range of a raid force that's stacked up close to, or in, the fountain. Every 45 seconds he will shout "Catch!" and up to 3 raid members will end up with a dull elemental. These players must jump into a fountai...
01-09-2015, 12:49 AM by aquareflections
The best spot to place your raid is directly behind him on one tight spot, preferably right in the middle of the room. 10-15 sec into the fight a person gets cursed, that person needs to stop attacking the named or die very fast. A reflection of that person will pop, hitting hard and memwiping fr...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
Eireen will spawn two little adds about every 45-60 seconds. These adds are called "a frigid energy nodule'. These adds must be killed quickly as they will bolster Eireen's abilties if they are not killed in time. You have roughy 45 seconds to kill both adds. Eireen has a knock back ability that m...
02-22-2011, 08:45 AM by EQ-Raiders
--- Part One --- Ykesha can only be reached after defeating a ring event much like Anashti's. Only with this ring event you will fight 3 waves of named mobs. The first mobs is a simple tank and spank. The second mob comes with two adds. Burn the adds and be ready to constantly be curing AOE Nox...
01-11-2010, 08:30 AM by EQ-Raiders