by EQ-Raiders
Instance entrance is in the Village of Shin zone. To get in, there is a clickable rock on the nearside beach of the tiny island just offshore. Similar to the Lockjaw entrance.

To make him agro, right click and select "disturb the crab". He will agro the second you click it, so be prepared.

You must have great cold resist.

He will spawn a set of four ^^ crab adds if you break 5k dps on Bonesnapper, or hit him for more than 5k in a single shot, and always at 10% HP.

When he spawns adds he'll say "SCREEEEEEECCCHH!" and the you will see "The ground bubbles as a cluster of monstrous crabs burst forth!"

As soon as he says that, he has an immunity from all damage for 18 seconds.

Known Drops:
Worked Ligament Sash
Chitin Imbued Gloves
Hardshell Greaves
Ancient Hardshell Leggings
Meridian Eye
Uncanny Response (Master I)
Decapitate (Master I)
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Xurtan 01-14-2011, 03:22 AM

He seems to mem wipe off of the tank at each of the 10s when he goes invuln for 18 seconds. Second time we've ran it and he's done it both times, will check for sure when we do it again next week.

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