by EQ-Raiders
Has an AE that spawns two 'liquid fire' adds for each player or pet that is hit by it, making accurate jousting very important. The adds autoattack for crushing damage, and are mezzable.

Talendor also has a 25,000 point heal called Prayer of Harla Dar that he uses 3-4 minutes after the fight begins.

He also has a knockback that makes positioning the MT important. Healers should be able to heal from max range without getting hit by the AE if properly positioned.

Known Drops:
Dragon Bone Bracelet
Mace of Red Scales
Red Scale Earring
Dragon Hero Bracer
Talendor's Talisman
Dragon Tooth Dirk
Secure (Master I)
Glorious Intercession (Master I)
Daelis' Frolicking of Blades (Master I)
Spirit Avenger (Master I)
Everlasting Hunger (Master I)
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