Pardas Predd
by EQ-Raiders
- Spawns two Ancient Unbound Abominations at 60% HP. They are level 70 x2 mobs and will spawn in the middle of the room, one toward each side.

An easy way to manage this fight is to have the tank square up against the back wall on the pull to avoid being thrown out of line of sight - the benches do that.

When the adds are spawned (when Pardas is at 60%), make sure the off tank picks them up, or if your MT can handle it, have him do it. Its not too difficult of a fight, just think Sunchild, but without the mem-wipe.

Depending on your DPS, you can probably finish off Pardas's remaining 60% HP faster than killing the two adds.

If you do off-tank the adds, make sure to pull them away from Pardas to prevent the rest of the raid from getting the double AE from Pardas.
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