Hurricanus the Patriarch
by EQ-Raiders
Located on the Viscious Breeding Grounds.

To prevent Hurricanus's AE throw, you need to deactivate the totem. You do this by using an Orb of Deactivation that can be obtained from the scaleborn breeders that spawn after a treehouse is cleared.

During the fight, an NPC spawns that will try to steal the orb from you. He then will also turn into a drake afterward.

You can actually do this fight with only needing one orb since deactivating the totem does not consume the orb.

You need to have one brawler in the raid, and one outside the raid, both FD at the base of the totem. Once the fight begins, the brawler in the raid deactivates the totem and then trades the orb to out-of-raid brawler. Once the Liftfinger spawns, does his thing, and turns into a drake, pass the orb back to the in-raid brawler to deactivate the orb.

Hurricanus's linked adds - the azure glider and greater tempest drake - are mezzable. If you kill them they will re-pop.

Hurricanus also has an attack that will damage weapons / items.
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Mindeen 02-05-2009, 09:20 PM

The fight is easier if you don't de-activate his aoe/kb.

Instead have the raid force up the hill max range. Have the tank sneak into the rocks that provide a lock down place which won't knock him around. Healers setup max range from the tanks position and ensure you have line of sight.

Have the tank bow pull Hurricanus to him. At that point mez the two adds and keep them mezzed. Scouts move in after this and keep backs to the raid force up the hill. When you do get knocked back you will just get sent to the raid force that way.

Hurricanous will use acid on the main tanks weapons. He should bring several as each acid burn causes 90% damage to their primary weapon.

This mob gives at least 40% AA for killing him as it is contested.

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