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by EQ-Raiders
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- kobold skirmisher
- battlehardened bugbear
- Molten Dreadnaught (x2 spawns at 75, 50 and 25% - got an ae stiffle)

General strat: Tank him against a wall and keep moving. As you engage him he will put a 9999 weight stone in your inventory so make sure your first spot is in a 99% reduction bag.

You gotta dance (see Growth) – penalty is ae stun (uncurable) instead of x2

Adds pop every 20-30 sec, at 75, 50 and 25% he will throw up a stoneskin that will break your weapons if you hit him (have a bot up for the fight when you are doing it) kill the inc x2 and the stoneskin will disappear.

More information is needed.
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Butcherblock Mountains
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