The Segmented Rumbler
by EQ-Raiders
This fight breaks into new encounters as you kill it. The Segmented Rumbler turns into 2 Bisected Rumblers and each of the Bisected Rumbler adds turn into 3 Trisected Rumblers. The first group of Trisected Rumblers you kill will summon The Earthen Rumbler at the end. You only need to kill the one Earthen Rumbler to win the loot from the fight, but unless you kill both sets of Trisected Rumblers he will respawn and you will be unable to proceed in the zone.

The new adds will spawn on the first person who zoned into Emerald Halls. So best to send whichever tank will handling the encounter into the zone first so they spawn on him.

Most common strategy is to designate the first split (two bisected rumblers) to be off tanked about 100 meters away (one bisected rumbler) from the rest of the raid. Bisected does little damage, so one Shaman and a Templar should be able to heal the off tank. Each split there is an AOE per mob. Two Bisected = 2 AOEs (One AOE per worm) and so on. It is generally safer to eat the first AOEs and use blade dance for when the Trisected adds pop. You will need to stagger the aoes of the trisected adds as soon as possible so get your Brigands and Swashies to lengthen the aoe timers as often as possible because if the AOE's go off all at the same time they will spell trouble for your raid.

Have your Main tank just keep the main encounter on him for as long as possible. While your raid burns down each section of the Rumblers as they come. Until your raid gets better equipped you might have to use a 3 tank setup if your main tank can't stay alive holding everything.

The best way this fight seems to be handled is to keep one group holding the bisected rumblers. The remaining three groups then pull one of the bisected rumblers off the main OT tank and pull it far enough so that the AOE doesn't affect the Bisected tank group. The three remaining groups proceed to finish the one bisected. If you zoned your Main OT into the zone properly then the Trisected Rumblers will spawn on this OT when their bisected rumbler was killed. The three groups finish off the remainder of the encounter by themselves. After the Earthen Rumbler is killed finish off the other adds. You want to keep your strongest tank on the main encounter.

Remember, the Segmented Rumbler becomes 2 Bisected Rumblers. Each Bisected Rumbler becomes 3 Trisected Rumblers. The first group of Trisected Rumblers you kill becomes The Earthen Rumbler. You need to kill the entire encounter to progress in this zone.

Good Luck.

Easily the hardest encounter on this floor.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
The Segmented Rumbler
Zone of Encounter:
The Emerald Halls
Level # of Difficulty:
74 x 4
Approx Hit Points:
Segemented Rumbler: 3.5 Million

Bisected Rumbler: 3 million

Trisected Rumbler: 1.5 million

Earthen Rumbler: 7 million
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