Tender of the Seedlings
by EQ-Raiders
This one has a damage shield that does 392-479, can be removed by the Druid's AA ablity

1. You need to kill all other nameds and seedling, 'cos they run to help.
2. You need to kill first Tender's assist in right order.
3. Have your off-tank grab adds ASAP they spawn.
4. MT healers at max range, to avoid stun aoe.


adds: 2x 'a seedling storyteller' every 60s
"A discordant note warns you that trouble is here."

Kill visionary first (charms) and alternate DPS on named and adds.

Memblur every 25-35s.

AE Stifle, 30m range, every 45 seconds.

Common stratey is to place your raid force in a triangle around your main tank. Place your MT healers in one spot, your Secondary tank in another spot and your DPS in another. Keeping your ranged DPS atleast 30 meters from the named mob and the adds she spawns. The Secondary tank needs to grab the adds ASAP because they do a constant AE stifle which will stop your mages and healers from casting. The melee dps will be the main source of DPS on these adds as it wont stop you from meleeing. Make sure the healers are placed so that the adds are pulled AWAY from them and not to them or through them. The Tender will mem blur every so often, so pay attention to where she blurs and ensure the target either clears their aggro or runs to the tank.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
Tender of the Seedlings
Zone of Encounter:
The Emerald Halls
Level # of Difficulty:
75 x 4
Approx Hit Points:
10 million
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