Elaani the Collector
by EQ-Raiders
Trixie, Mixie and Dixie.

Pull them one at a time, burn them to 5% or less (do not kill them yet). Trixie is a healer (collector of faith) and she heal herself over the course of the fight. Burn the other two first, then pull Trixie. When it gets to 5%, carry on burning and go nuts on AEs so all die within a few seconds of each other. If not the encounter resets if they are not killed within 5 seconds of eachother.

The sub-names have differing health values so plan your pulls accordingly.

When Elaani comes, get all but tanks at max range (30m+) as she has a big proximity AE on incoming. You will have time to get out as she has a dialog box or two before she comes after you. BladeDance helps a lot when Elaani is on her way. Burn her adds and then the Named.

Good Luck.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
Elaani the Collector
Zone of Encounter:
The Emerald Halls
Level # of Difficulty:
75 x 4
Approx Hit Points:
Mixie: 1.5 million

Dixie: 3 million

Trixie: 1.5 million

Elaani: 3 million
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