Mistress of the Veil
by EQ-Raiders
- One of the random names on the first level of EH.
- Located behind the waterfall in the pond at the back of the zone
- Comes with 4 epic adds.
- Teleports current target to random location nearby

Generally all adds can be tanked by your MT. If not, off tank the adds on your secondary tank and burn. You have close to a minute between AOE's, ensure that Call of Storms does not go off by using Mage Dispell Magic constantly during the fight.

Easiest place to tank is to pull her where the Mushrooms roam. More area to deal with the teleport ability. Designate a spot for your tank to run back to when he is teleported so that healers are not chasing him around.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
Mistress of the Veil
Zone of Encounter:
The Emerald Halls
Level # of Difficulty:
74 x 4
Approx Hit Points:
7 million
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