Gardener Thirgen
by EQ-Raiders
This mob wanders throughout the zone in a large path so be careful where your raid travels. This is the last mob in the zone and is tied to all the brownies in the zone. If you have any brownies you have not killed they will aggro during the encounter. If your raid completed the challenge at the beginning of the zone you will deal with a lot less trash to kill.

A good place to pull Thirgen is up where you pulled Sariah. That platform has a lot of good spots to tank this mob.

Thirgen has a large AOE Charm that grabs the 8 closest people to him in the raid and will last 8 to 10 secs. You will want to have one or two tanks jousted out each time this charm is incoming. When the charm one of your tanks that was out of its range should joust in and grab the named as quick as possible.

Thirgen also has a single target fear which will land on your Main Tank mainly. So place your tank somewhere he won't go running around when the fear lands.

This encounter also spawns 2 heroic triple up adds that must be grabbed and pulled away from the Gardener and burned down. Using a Main Assist for this is recommended. It is recommended to pull them away because when the charm lands and half of your raid force gets charmed near the adds the charmed players will begin to take AOE damage from the rest of your raid that was not charmed. It's very easy to kill some of your raid if everything is piled on top of them. That's typically why you pull the adds away from the named.

One common strategy for Thirgen is to have 8 of your fighters/melee dps to be closer to the mob than your Main Tank is. That way when the charm hits Thirgen does not go anywhere. Essentially standing ON the mob is closer proximity than your MT is because your MT can stand a few meters away without the mob moving. This way, when the Charm goes off, Thirgen will not run around the raid. Thirgen will also randomly port characters of EVIL ALIGNMENTS to random spots around his garden. This teleport is extremely random and can occur as early as every 45 secs. So this is a good reason to kill all of the trash in the zone or win the challenge when you first entered.

Thirgen does have the Furious Storm AOE so timing the cures will be a lot like how you have done already several times in this zone.

Good Luck.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
Gardener Thirgen
Zone of Encounter:
The Emerald Halls
Level # of Difficulty:
75 x 4
Approx Hit Points:
7 million
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