Avatar of Growth
by EQ-Raiders
Add names:
- a wizard of growth
- an guardian of growth
- an acolyte of growth

General strat: tank him at the picnic table behind him with the tank at the tree and the raid at the wall.

Everyone needs to dance which means everyone needs to press their 'wasd' buttons within 10 seconds and move around 5 meters in game (depending on how much runspeed because its counted in time not in actually travel speed)

Trick to this when you get stunned or rooted is to bash wasd anyways since it will think you are moving even though you aren’t.

If you don’t dance you will get big x2 adds

If you dont cure the arcane it will heal growth with 50k per tick

A lot of power drain, a knockup AE and a nox root dmg shield.

By far one of the easiest avatar's so don’t worry.

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