Mayong Mistmoore
by EQ-Raiders
- Heroic adds every 60 seconds: a vampiric protector (2)
- One Wolfsbane is used during the fight against him to prevent wolf adds from spawning

First off you need Wolfsbane's. Wolfsbane is acquired by killing Malkonis D'morte or Wuoshi. Malkonis drops 3 and Wuoshi Drops 5. Mayong is really not hard at all. You just need to get the timers down so melee dont get owned by AEs, and be sure to cure Arcanes at all times asap.

Fight him where ever in here. I've seen all kinds of places as he has no knockback to worry about. Just make sure your healers are as far away as they can be to avoid the cold ae he has so they are not stunned.

There is not much you can do about the Blanket of Eternal Night AOE so man up and take it.

Adds spawn every so often, so get them pulled away and burnt down. They are just heroic adds with not much hps. Get those aoes on timers and get melee jousting efficiently. You want as much dps on him as you can throughout the fight. Even though most get hit by blanket still ensure the melee joust out as that ae hits for more damage the closer you are so joust them out when it is about to hit and always be out of range of Soul Paralysis. When out if adds are up melee should help burn down adds as well but keep dps up on mayong if no adds are up.

Designate your Brigands and Swashies to Swipe AoEs, to give you more time on the AOE's. If you have two brigs and two swashies for example designate 2 of them to always Swipe Paralysis and 2 of them to always swipe Blanket. So your AoE timers are extended on both AOE's recasts.

You want to make sure the only person to get hit by Soul Paralysis is your MT, and not your DPS or healers.

You can sneak up behind Mayong prior to the pull by following the right edge of the stairs and jumping up. Makes setting up for him a little easier. =)
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Xurtan 01-28-2011, 05:31 AM

You can also get the Wolfsbane from the Tunare deity quests.

Name of Raid Encounter:
Mayong Mistmoore
Zone of Encounter:
Mistmoore's Inner Sanctum
Level # of Difficulty:
75 x 4
Approx Hit Points:
25 million
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