Master P'Tasa
by EQ-Raiders
This mob can be tricky depending on the raid setup you bring into the zone.

Master P'tasa requires to have fighters in the raid, otherwise he will curse you and you will wipe. He will not accept Scouts as a tank as he deaggro's them and blurs off them faster.

If anyone deaggro's while being targeted by P'Tasa he will set you aside on the aggro list, if that person who was deaggro'd gets aggro at all again during the fight again afterwards he will Curse the raid and you will wipe. He will say, "A new focus for my anger emerges through their own action, I shall save the fighter I was engaged with for much later!". Not good, to deaggro because he does randomly blur to other members of the raid. If the person who deaggro'd gets targeted... BOOM you all die. This also goes if a Scout pulls aggro off the tank briefly during the blur period. Tanks must contain aggro once they acquire it and hold it until the next blur.

Taunts are fine during the fight, just not deaggro's while targeted, do NOT use PEEL or Divide and Conquer from brawlers as this is a Hate Position ability. Any ability or item that affects aggro by threat or position will cause a Curse. As a raid you must bounce aggro between 2-4 fighters. Start the fight with a fighter class, be sure to have your fighter hit P'tasa as soon as possible otherwise he will say you have no fighters protecting you and he will Curse the raid.

Now, during the fight P'tasa will mem blur off the fighter he has targeted, HE CAN NOT retarget this fighter again in a row (He will say, "Time to hit some softer targets, this fighter just won't die!"). You must stagger the aggro between the fighters. You can not have the same fighter reaggro P'tasa after his memblur. Sucessfully stagger the tanks and you will survive the fight with no Curse going off. If he targets the same person after the blur and BEFORE the next blur, he will say, "You again! I am through wasting my time watching the others protect you, time to end this thing NOW!". Fighters also can not lose aggro between the blurs to a scout that was once deaggro'd. Try to ensure your fighters never lose aggro.

Use as few dots as possible during this fight. Massive direct damage when his stone skin is not up will trigger his ward less often and will lead to a faster fight.

This mob only has about 3 million HP, but dont be suprised if you do 5-8 million damage depending on how well your raid avoids the StoneSkin Ward he puts up.

Roughly every minute or so he will use a Mental based AOE that drains more power the farther you are away from the mob, but less drains the closer you are and more damage. Increase your Mental resistances to near 8-9k and you should be able to all pile on P'tasa without the fear of getting smoked by the AOE.

Have fun and Good Luck!
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Aceshot 11-01-2010, 06:46 AM

If fighters just have auto attack on and you pet pull him, you don't seem to get the curse. It was how my guild always did it.

Ammoguy 07-13-2010, 06:21 PM

Simply pet pull with a "fighter" class pet. MT grabs him with an arrow as he comes in. Curse will never go off after that, possible bug but it works. Raid targets through mob and runs to the tank if they get agro. Tank and spank while jousting his AOE and enjoy the loot.

schizolic 10-16-2008, 12:32 AM

we use multiple tanks and a mystic doggy pull. have never had problem with a curse even after i hit reinforcement and ptasa bounces back and forth between me and my templar.

10-14-2008, 04:18 PM

Here is a link to video, notice velmanos is the only fighter in the raid.


I simply have Templar pull with Hammer. I then hit the mob as he runs by me. He will blur onto someone else. Simply have that person run to you as quickly as possible. Use melee damage to get him off that person. Rinse and repeat until the fight is over. Piece of cake.

EQ-Raiders 09-29-2008, 08:09 AM

I would love to see video footage of that if possible. When ever I have killed P'tasa it has never been able to be killed with only one tank. Tank loses aggro due to blur, tank regains aggro and curse goes off. Is the tank stopping melee at any time when the deaggro occurs? Can you provide detailed info on what exactly the tank does when he blurs off the MT?

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