Ire and Malevolence
by EQ-Raiders
Ire and Malevolence must be tanked by 3 different classes. Warrior, Crusader and Brawler. Every minute or so both mobs will give an emote to which class will be able to maintain aggro against them. Below are the emotes and what happens when someone else is their target.
  • Ire:
    • "Brawling insects, beware my wrath!" - Brawlers
    • "Crusading fools, your time has come!" - Crusaders
    • "You will denounce your warrior's creed soon enough fools!" - Warriors
    • "Away from my sight flea, I have more important targets to kill!" - Wrong Class is Tanking
  • Malevolence:
    • "Brawling filth, feel the power of my hatred!" - Brawlers
    • "Crusading zealots, prepare to die!" - Crusaders
    • "Warrior scum, your time is at hand!" - Warriors
    • "Begone from my path worm, I have more hated foes to slay!" - Wrong Class is Tanking
The fight is pretty straight forward and simple. Follow the emotes and cure the AOE's when they hit to prevent additional dmg being taken. Usually best to tank them right where they are with all dps on one named at a time to kill as fast possible.

Once you get the emotes down well, the fight is a rather simple tank and spank. Enjoy the loot.
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Ammoguy 07-13-2010, 06:29 PM

This fight can be extremely easy. Set your 3 fighter types in a triangle around the main body of the raid equal distance from each other and the main raid force. The main raiders stand in the middle. Basically you let the mobs do the work for you... when they emote thier fighter switch they run to the type of fighter they called for. Tanks DO NOT MOVE, just stay in position until it is your turn. The tank type called for hits thier taunts etc as usual... don't worry the mobs WILL come. The only special bit is to split your healers between the two mobs, healing through the mobs. We have all DPS target Malevolence first and burn her down then everyone gangs up on Ire... enjoy loot.

EQ-Raiders 12-20-2008, 12:54 PM

Thanks for the update, the video is fixed on the submission as well.

12-12-2008, 03:51 PM

Hi folks. Video link seems broken. We had moved them to a public area now. New link follows:



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