K'pul D'Vngur
by EQ-Raiders
The Maestro can be a tricky fight. The biggest thing to be careful of is the Aria which will one shot anyone within range.

You must have someone in the raid who has completed the Mender quest in the zone and has received the Tuning Fork. This fork is used to prevent the Maestro from becoming immune to attacks during the fight.

There are no adds with this encounter.

Pulling Maestro properly consists either of a return tank spot or multiple tank spots. Everyone in your raid including your tanks must joust the Aria AOE to survive this fight. You will know when its time to get hell out by Maestro emote, "Time to end this with one fatally melodious aria!" Everyone must get out beyond atleast 20 meters. So pick either a secondary tank spot or ensure your fighters can pull him back from the Raid because Maestro will be rooted when he casts this so when he charges your raid aggro might be a little off.

There is a second AOE you may need to joust based on your raids survivability. Chains of Rancor. Moderate dmg Trauma AOE. This Aoe will also slow everyone it hits. So it needs to be cured fast as it usually comes just before Aria, but not always. Trauma Potions will help your melee on this.

People have always wondered how to avoid him getting immune to effects throughout the fight. You need to fork him properly with the tuning fork, and at the right time. When the person who has the fork has it equipped, Maestro will Disarm them with a small Arcane effect (you will also hear the disarm sound - sounds like a throwing dagger hits a wall). This is the trigger to get the fork on Maestro ASAP. You have 12 seconds to get the fork activated before Maestro will become immune to a type of dmg for the remainder of the fight. Enchanters have a better chance at getting the fork on quickly because they can cure the arcane themselves and they usually have a much faster cast time.

Healers will also get a nasty Curse effect on them during this encounter that will turn all heals into massive nukes on their targets. Healers need to either cure the curse off of them or another healer in their group, or just sit there and wait for it to expire. The curse can last about 10 seconds. Healers can of course still CURE during this time. There is not a massive AOE in the raid to really worry about except if Maestro gets too close to your raid.

Learn to Joust the two "Rancor" Aoe's; Tone and Chains. Make sure healers are paying attention and have your 'forker' paying attention to the disarm and you will win this fight.
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Shardman 03-27-2010, 03:41 AM

Trauma Deaggro = Mark of Anonymity

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