Dreadlord D'Somni
by EQ-Raiders
Dreadlord is the easiest mob in the zone. A real tank and spank but he does have some interesting abilities. Raids usually tank him in a small corner spot around the building from him to deal with his large knockback AOE.

Healers also need to cure the Noxious effects otherwise if the two AOE's stack the AOE's can do pretty massive dmg to you. If you dont have Group cures, bring some pots. He will also mem-blur to mages during the fight.

Tank it, Spank it and grats on the loot.
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TheHaydens 12-05-2010, 06:37 AM

We usually just have entire raid just stand on each other so tank/offtank can easily grab it back.. other than that tank n spank..

schizolic 10-16-2008, 11:25 PM

generally with us he memwipes to our conji, with the notable exception of the time we had a level 77 wizzie with us. it might be he goes to the caster lowest on the hate list (think the conji's pet would have a lot of his hate)

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