Uzdrak the Invincible
by Mindeen
Uzdrak the Invincible is the first named encounter in the Temple of Korsha.

He is non-agro so run past him down the stairs and stay in the middle area. Pull and kill the golems from either side to the middle area at the base of the stairs first. Make sure not to do any large AOEs otherwise you will agro Entyr and Ilyan and start the named fight.

Once the two golems are dead go into the left room and setup around the add. Casters can jump up into the book shelves to reduce the damage from the AOE it does. The main tank group stays down the stairs at the middle area since the tank will pull it back down to there.

When ready have the off tank engage the add and the main tank engage Uzdrak the Invincible at the same time. The main tank should pull Uzdrak down the stairs to the middle area and hold it there against the wall. It has a trauma aoe and knockback.

Once the off tank group and the two dps groups finish off the first add have them run across to the other add room and setup the same way. Have the off tank do a 3.2.1 count down and then engage the add there (gives time for healers to preward and casters to get max range). It is non-agro so you have time to do this.

After the 2nd add is dead then the 3 groups can join with the main tank group and Uzdrak. Killing him will be easy from this point forward.

I would recommend the swash stays on Uzdrak during the fight to keep it debuffed and possibly a third healer if the tank is not geared well.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
Uzdrak the Invincible
Zone of Encounter:
The Temple of Kor'Sha
Level # of Difficulty:
84 x 4
Attack Types:
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