Uthtak the Cruel / Aktar the Dark
by Mindeen
Uthtak the Cruel / Aktar the Dark is the second encounter in the Temple of Kor-Sha. This encounter unfortunately does not give loot, it instead gives you the small box required to activate the statue encounter (3rd one).

There is a golem to the right when you enter this room. Pull it out of the room, kill it, then have you raid go to the spot where it was. This is the best spot to fight from to keep range on the poison AOEs. Have your dirge run the poison song.

From this corner you will need to pull the excavationers back to you using your monk/bruiser. To start the fight have the tank with the highest poison run and fight Aktar where he stands. Have the other tank grab Uthtak and pull him away from Aktar to the stairs almost. Have the monk pull one of the excavations back to the corner, and have two rooting classes root the other two excavations on the pull. Make sure neither of the big names is close to the raid force. This must be done all at once, give a good count down so the rooting classes can hit their roots 2 seconds before the tanks and the monk runs in.

Once the first excavationer is dead release the root on the second one and have the monk pull it into the raid force. Kill it and do the same with the third one. Once all three are dead have the casters range Uthtak and have the scouts go in. Once Uthtak is dead you will be able to properly damage and kill Aktar. If you don't kill Uthtak then Aktar will be almost impossible to kill.

Once they are dead a small box drops (no loot unfortunately). Have the main tank pick this up so they can activate the third encounter.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
Uthtak the Cruel / Aktar the Dark
Zone of Encounter:
The Temple of Kor'Sha
Level # of Difficulty:
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